Patient feedback on Julie, our practice nurse

Julie F Satisfaction Survey 2024

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

We are always keen to improve our services and our performance and your feedback will help our healthcare professionals to identify the areas where they are doing well and where they could do better.

This will help them with their continuous professional development.

Thinking back to your last consultation, how would you rate the healthcare professional you saw in the following areas?

Q1. Giving me enough time
Q2. Listening to me
Q3. Treating me with care and concern
Q4. I felt any mental health needs were recognised or understood
Q5. I was involved as much as I wanted to be in decisions about my care and treatment
Q6. I had confidence and trust in the healthcare professional I saw or spoke to
Q7. I felt my needs were met
Q8. I have received enough support from local services or organisations in the last 12 months to help manage my long-term condition(s)
Q9. I would describe my overall experience of this healthcare professional as

About you

Are you:
What age are you
Do you consider yourself to have a disability
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
Asian or Asian British
Black or Black British
Are you?
Name (optional)
Name (optional)