Our Patient Participation Group

Patient Participation Group

We are looking for highly motivated people to join our PPG. If you feel you would like to help us shape the service we provide to you, please consider joining this group of volunteers. We welcome you to the group. However, the aim of the group is to improve the services and shape them for the future. It is not an open forum to discuss complaints!

Would you like to join our PPG? Just fill in the form below and hand it in at our reception.

Or fill in the form below. This form will be emailed to the practice automatically.

Patient Participation Group Sign-up Form

Patient Participation Group Sign-up Form

Grimethorpe Surgery

Signing Up For Our Patient Participation Group

Do you want to join the Patient Participation Group?
Are you registered at Grimethorpe Surgery?
How would you like us to contact you to discuss your application?

Please continue to the next page to enter your details.