
New Patients

How to Register with our Practice
The practice welcomes new patients.

To register with us please bring your medical card or ask at reception for a GMS 1 (new patient registration form). Newly registered patients will be invited for a consultation with the Practice Nurse for a New Patient health check.

You can download our practice leaflet below.

Telephone Access

All our staff is capable of taking messages to pass on to the relevant doctor/nurse. Everything is treated in strict confidence.

For routine inquiries, a member of staff will ask the doctor/nurse for advice or to return your call. You can also use AccuRx Triage for this and bypass our busy telephone lines. We will respond to your query within 3 working days.


The surgery has:

  • Access without steps
  • Access for wheelchair users
  • Toilet for wheelchair users

Breast Feeding

Our practice supports breastfeeding mothers. If you would like a private room in order to breastfeed please inform reception and we will be happy to provide this for you.


During your visit to the surgery and depending on the reason for your visit, a physical examination may be necessary. Please note that a Chaperone is available to oversee the examination at your request.

General Practitioner, Registrar, and Student

Our practice is a training/teaching practice. This means we may have nursing students working or observing at our practice and occasionally medical students. If you attend an appointment while we have a student with us, it is your right to request the student isn’t present during your consultation. Students are also obliged to keep your confidentiality and sign an agreement before they start at the practice to this effect.

Change Of Details

The practice respectfully asks that you keep your contact details ie address and phone numbers up to date. If you need to make any changes please inform reception. We may need to get in touch with you regarding results or to invite you for important reviews or vaccinations but can only do so if the contact details we have for you are up-to-date.

Equal Opportunities

The practice will offer equal opportunities to all employees and patients (where appropriate) regardless of age, sex, marital status, pregnancy, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or belief, and will not tolerate any discrimination.

Freedom Of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to make available certain “classes” of information. If you would like more information please telephone 01226 716 809.

NHS Zero Tolerance Policy

The practice supports the NHS policy of zero tolerance with regard to violence or abuse to the doctors, staff, or others on the practice premises or other locations where treatment may take place. Persons abusing this policy may be reported to the police and removed from the practice list.

Privacy And Dignity

We will endeavour to provide privacy and dignity to our patients at all times. If you do not wish to discuss something at the reception that you feel may be overheard we are happy to provide a private room for you to discuss your issue with an appropriate member of staff.

Use Of Data

This practice may use confidential information held on your records as part of risk stratification, this means that we can identify at-risk patients and offer preventative treatments where appropriate. You have the right to object to the use of your confidential information being used in this way and should inform the Practice Manager as soon as possible should you wish to opt-out of this service.

Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard is a new law to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment, or sensory loss are given information they can easily read or understand. Please inform a member of staff if you have any communication support needs. You need to help us make sure we get things right for you.