We welcome patients’ feedback on their experiences with the practice

At Grimethorpe Surgery we try to make our service as patient-friendly as we can. We may not always succeed in this, but we try our best.

To allow us to find out where there are points where we can improve, we need the help of our patients and/or carers.

We have two possible ways to feedback on your experience with the practice to us:
* By filling in the Friends and Family Test.
* By filling in our Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire

You can go to these by clicking on the links above.

We are very appreciative of our patients who share their experiences with us as only when we know where the issues are, can we improve on those issues.

Obviously, if you had a great experience at the surgery, tell us about this, too. Only hearing where we didn’t meet patient expectations can be rather discouraging when we know and see how extremely hard our staff work.

Thank you very much for taking the effort to fill either of these questionnaires for us.

If you are interested to find out the results of these surveys, we share the results in a weekly post and also share this on social media.

Below you can find the results up-to-date as on 24 July 2024 for your information:

Friends and Family Test results:

Patient Satisfaction Survey results: