Closed for Staff Training tomorrow Wednesday 18 October

The surgery will be closed tomorrow Wednesday 18 October from 12pm for Staff Training.

For medical help during this time:

Life-threatening? 999

Urgent? Contact NHS111

Non-urgent? Contact us from 8am on Thursday, or online via

Closed for Staff Training tomorrow Wednesday 20 September

The surgery will be closed tomorrow Wednesday 20 September from 12pm for Staff Training.

For medical help during this time:

Life-threatening? 999

Urgent? Contact NHS111

Non-urgent? Contact us from 8am on Thursday, or online via

Shingles and Shingles Vaccinations

You can be offered the shingles vaccine (Zostavax) as soon as they reach the eligible age (70-79 plus 364 days).

You can be immunised at any point in the year.

If you are 50 or over and have a weakened immune system (severely immunocompromised), you are also eligible for the shingles vaccine (Shingrix, which is in 2 doses instead).

If you are eligible, haven’t had your vaccination yet, and would like to have it, please contact the surgery to enquire/book your vaccination.

#GPSurgeries #Shingles–allyearround #Shingles #Shingles #GPsurgery #Socialmedia #Olderadults #HealthProfessionals #Image #Shingles #English

Would you like some more information? Click on the image below to access the patient leaflet.

Stammering and stuttering mean the same thing

Stammering and stuttering mean the same thing

Causes? Stammering is neurological. It is not caused by nerves, lack of confidence, or lack of intelligence

Impact? We know from adults who stammer that their experiences in childhood can affect mental health, academic success, and employment prospects

Therapy? There is no ‘cure’ for stammering – We embrace stammering as a how some people talk and provide therapy to support and empower children and young people to communicate to their full potential and say what they want to say, when they want to say it, without fear or struggle.

Referrals can be made for any child or young person who stammers (ages 0-18). Please don’t ‘watch and wait’ – early referral ensures the best outcomes for children and young people.

Stammering is:

  • Repeating words/parts of words/sounds e.g. I I I I I want…. Or d d d dog
  • Stretching out sounds e.g. sssssssausage
  • Getting stuck and no sound coming out

And it can also be:

  • Variable
  • Often accompanied by negative thoughts and feelings about their stammer which impacts on them educationally, socially, and on their mental well being
  • Hidden: usually because of the negative reactions they receive from others.
  • Accompanied by other things such as: holding their breath, gasping, exaggerated breathing, nodding their head, blinking forcefully, stamping, clenching their hands, facial tension, or avoiding certain words or talking situations.

Chronic Disease (Birthday) Reviews at Grimethorpe Surgery

Do you have a chronic disease for which you receive annual reviews at the surgery?

In that case, you might wish to know how we deal with those at Grimethorpe Surgery.

We aim to do all the reviews for your chronic diseases at the same time where possible, saving you from having to make multiple trips to the surgery unless this is really necessary. And who likes needles, anyway?

To make this easy to remember for our patients, we try to arrange these reviews in the month their birthday falls.

However, where your birthday falls in January, February, or March, we try to avoid these months. Our diabetic patients may understand why (Christmas treats can temporarily negatively influence diabetic control). We also use these months as the ‘mop-up’ months to get those people in who have not yet had their reviews.

The year in healthcare runs from April to March (much like the financial year), and we try to have all reviews dealt with before the end of the calendar year.

So, your annual reviews will be due in the month your birthday falls, other than the following months:

January – your annual reviews are due in April

February – your annual reviews are due in May

March – your annual reviews are due in June.

Just had your review in January-March and you are being called in again? That means you had your review late in the last annual review year. However, have your review now, and it will from there on be due in the month your birthday falls, unless this falls in Jan-Mar (see above).

We hope this explains the system a little better.

Not had an invitation but your annual review is due (taking into account the above)? Feel free to book your appointment if you are due.

Change to Barnsley Hospital phlebotomy services – online booking

There will be changes to the Phlebotomy Services at Barnsley NHS Foundation Trust (BHNFT). From Tuesday 2 May 2023, BHNFT policy for patients referred by GP Surgeries for Phlebotomy Services will be to direct patients to the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) in Barnsley Town Centre. 

Additionally, all repeat Outpatient Phlebotomy Requirements should now be conducted at the CDC. Specific exceptions for Phlebotomy Services still required at the Main Hospital Site will be covered below.

It is now possible for patients to book onto the new e-booking system, the booking website is linked on the BHNFT website here. The booking link will also be added to the CDC information page, and to the Phlebotomy service page. The direct link to the booking system is:

This is a patient/GP-led system that will allow patients to book a test at a time and date of their choosing, allowing patients to access services at a central location. The CDC is a state-of-the-art facility in the Town Centre that forms part of BHNFT Strategy going forward with more services expected to be located from the Facility throughout 2023.

Access to the CDC
Whilst the CDC is a wheelchair-accessible facility, there is no vehicle access outside the facility. If patients do require transport in close proximity to Phlebotomy Services for mobility reasons, they should still attend the Hospital Site. 

Patients that are Fasting should book appointments in the morning and the booking system will allow a patient-led booking slot to permit this; patients are recommended to fast for 12-14 hours prior to their appointment. 

Oncology and Specific Hospital Based Tests
Patients who are attending for oncology purposes should still ensure they attend their appointments at the Main Hospital Site and not the CDC. Whilst most tests will permit blood to be taken at the CDC, if a patient requires a bespoke test they will still need to attend the Hospital Main Site; the CDC exemption list is at Enclosure One to this document.

ICE Referrals
Whilst the purpose of the new booking system will permit patients and GP staff to book a pre-arranged appointment slot, this is only possible if a request has been made on ICE (the electronic request system at the hospital) by the requesting clinician.  If the ICE Referral is not completed by the referring Clinician, this will lead to the Phlebotomy staff turning the patient away; therefore, please ensure you only book an appointment if a clinician has completed an ICE referral for you.

Blood Taken Prior to Clinician Appointment
If a patient is programmed to have blood taken prior to an appointment with a Clinician, this should be taken at least 24 hours prior to the appointment which allows Pathology Services to analyse the sample and place the results on ICE in good time for the appointment with the clinician.

Booking Procedure
When patients book onto the new system, they will be asked for minimal patient details and they will be sent an email reminder to their personal inbox.  It is a straightforward process and it will take approximately 2 minutes to complete the booking form. Whilst the primary method for booking Phlebotomy Appointments will be to use the Booking System there is an alternate phone number on 01226 433963.

Abuse of practice staff grows 19 January 2023, 1:00am

Staff face daily abuse in many practices across the UK, according to an alarming new survey.

The survey of GPs found that 40% reported daily abuse against them or their staff.

As many as 74% reported facing weekly abuse in their practice, according to the Pulse survey. 45% said that all their staff would experience abuse at least once a year.

The findings follow growing concern that pressures on GP care and media reporting has increased levels of abuse against practice staff.

Dr Kieran Sharrock, acting chair of the British Medical Association’s GP committee in England, said: “Any kind of abuse against GPs and their teams is completely unacceptable. No one should ever go into work fearing that they will be abused, let alone physically.

“We understand that patients are often in pain and distress when they interact with the health service, and that current pressures and a lack of staff mean it can take longer to access the care they need. However, we cannot let people take their frustrations with the system out on those who are just doing the best they can in difficult circumstances.

“Abusive behaviour ultimately has a huge impact on morale within practice teams and makes staff question whether they want to stay in the health service. In the midst of a serious workforce crisis, we simply cannot afford to lose any more talented healthcare professionals.

“The pressures in the NHS are not the fault of patients or staff, but years of underfunding and a failure to properly support its workforce. If we want a health service that can provide timely care, from doctors who feel valued, then the Government must give the NHS the investment it desperately needs.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care said: “Violence or abuse directed at NHS staff, who work tirelessly to provide care, is unacceptable.

“We have provided £5 million for additional security measures in general practice, including CCTV, panic buttons and screens at reception. As of September 2022, there are almost 2,300 more full-time equivalent doctors working in general practice compared to September 2019, with record numbers in training.”

Understanding the risks of breast cancer

Risks of #breastcancer for women in their 50s – for alcohol, HRT and obesity

Shared from Dr Liz O’Riordan on Twitter.

Closed for Staff Training Wednesday 7 December from 12 pm

It’s time for our monthly staff training session again this afternoon. We will be closed from 12 pm on Wednesday 7 December for staff training and we will open again from 8 am on Thursday 8 December.

During our closure, you will not be able to collect sick notes, prescriptions, hand in samples, etc. This will need to wait till the next day.

If you have an urgent need, please contact NHS 111.

If your problem is life-threatening, please ring 999 instead.

If you have a routine request, please contact us again tomorrow, or use our online consultation form
It may take up to 3 working days to process your query. DO NOT USE FOR URGENT MATTERS! This is not an alternative way to request or book an appointment, or to request repeat prescriptions.

Remember, you can book your appointments and request repeat prescriptions online via the NHS App, or other online services.

Download the NHS App, or open the NHS website in a web browser, to set up and log in to your NHS account. Owned and run by the NHS, your NHS account is a

The NHS App is available on iOS and Android.

You can also access your NHS account using the NHS website.

To have an NHS account, you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England.

Find out more about who can have an NHS account.

Skip the 8 am rush by using the NHS App

Get the NHS App to beat the 8 am rush at the surgery.

The app is perfect for the following tasks:

  • To book an appointment
  • To request your repeat prescription (we don’t allow ordering prescriptions over the phone)
  • For online consultations with your GP
  • To get your Covid Pass
  • To get advice from NHS 111
  • To find advice on common conditions
  • To cancel GP or hospital appointments

Find out more about the free NHS App and find download links here:

Easy to set up from home without the need to receive any permissions from your GP surgery. All you need is your NHS number and photo ID.

To have an NHS account, you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England.

The NHS App is available on iOS and Android:

Download on the App store
Download on Google Play

You can also access your NHS account using the NHS website.

To have an NHS account, you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England.

Find out more about who can have an NHS account.