Our weekly update on the comments made on our Patient Satisfaction Survey and Friends and Family Test

How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?
Extremely likely
Can you tell us why you gave that response?
It was easy to get an appointment I rang on Tuesday and got an appointment on Thursday. The Dr was professional and listened to my symptoms. The service was easy and effective thank you.
Do you think the practice has improved in the last 12 months?
What are we doing particularly well?
The triage system works well
What do you feel we can improve on and how?

It’s nice to hear this patient feels we have improved our services and we are doing a good job.

How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?
Neither likely nor unlikely
Can you tell us why you gave that response?
People are already registered with a doctors surgery so there is no need to recommend.
Do you think the practice has improved in the last 12 months?
What do you feel we can improve on and how?
If the surgery went back to the way things were before people needed to use Internet that would be a big improvement. Not everyone uses Internet and that has made things difficult, especially for older people.

It is clear not everyone shares the same opinion. We can, according to this patient, improve by going back to how things were before we needed the internet to allow people without internet access or skills to access medical help too. We don’t feel there is a need to go back to not using the internet. We have several options to access help from the surgery. This can be via the internet, but that is only one option. Patients can contact us by phone too. Where this is the only option a patient has (because they are deaf), they can also come to the surgery in person to request help. However, using the internet may help you avoid a lengthy queue on the phone lines.

It was all explained to me in a simple and helpful way. As with all new things it was a little strange but everything went like clockwork and as normal the staff are always cheerful and ready to help.

We are happy to hear this patient had a positive experience. When things are done differently and you are a little apprehensive about this, it is great to hear the staff explained things in an simple and helpful way. Not everything new is bad, not everything new is better. But so far we believe the current system gives more patients the care they need.

I seldom use the reception team to arrange appointments. I use the e portal to contact my GP who usually replies within 48 hours – this is a great service it is accurate, quick and confidentiality is maintained.

We are pleased to hear this patient finds the online consultations platform an easy way to get in touch with us. We aim to answer all online consultation requests within 3 working days, sooner if we can.

I thought that my health concerns were listen to, and I feel confident that any future problems will be resolved satisfactorily. The surgery is run in a very professional manner. The reception staff are friendly and welcoming.

We are happy to hear this. We all do our best to provide our patients with the best possible experience, but we don’t always get it right. So pleased to hear we did get it right this time.

First time visit to the Cudworth surgery after registration. I was very impressed with the service I received. Very thorough and friendly/professional service.

Another happy customer. When we read positive feedback, it lifts our spirits. Thank you for your kind comments.

I was well pleased with the appointment confirmation and the attention/ time given to me by my GP.

The only thing about getting appointments via text is that you cannot state when it is convenient. I would prefer to discuss the time of appointment over the phone in the initial call.

The only way for patients to receive an appointment that is convenient to them is by informing the receptionist of when you can’t make an appointment. The clinician performing the assessment of need can then consider this when deciding on the best course of action for that patient. However, we are always limited by what we have available at the time.

Everything was fine

I was very satisfied with my experience

The new appointment system is much better

The GP system is very worrying on top of feeling unwell. 5 years
Ago you had a health problem you called the GP and offered an
Appointment. Today its literally life or death should you become
Unwell. Recently my thyroid flare caused worrying heart palpitations
And anxiety feelings, my ecg and bloods scheduled for a week later.
This has been distressing with worry. A scalp cyst ruptured, I called
My gp practice to ask if a nurse could look at it in case of infection.
I was passed off and told to contact Iheart…I called the whole 2 hours
To get an appointment ..they didn’t answer the phone. So people are
Being forced to spend hours in A&E . My previous GP had a warts
Clinic and a GP did minor surgeries there. I had cysts removed
Without stress or worry in 15 minutes. Now the introduction of triage
Discuss all your worries with reception, abolished online appointments..what next?

It is very clear this patient wasn’t satisfied with our services at all and much prefers her previous GP. Indeed, we don’t have a minor surgery to remove cysts, warts, and similar. We no longer have online bookable appointments as this doesn’t allow an assessment of need before the appointment is booked. We also don’t have a wound care clinic run by our nurses, these instead are run by the district nursing team. Our services did not meet the expectations this patient had, having experienced the services from another practice that offered these services. We aim to provide all patients with the best care we can give them. The assessment of need system we use aims to offer all patients the services they need. This isn’t always at the surgery but can be offered by other services better placed to do so.

This week was another week of mixed feedback. Most was positive and that motivates us to continue to do what we do and continue to look for ways to improve further. We also received negative feedback (like the last one mentioned here) and we take this on board, too. We try to learn from all feedback, whether positive, negative or indifferent, and hope to use both to improve our services where possible.

As in most weeks, we also received 2 forms of unsolicited feedback. ‘We can grow your Instagram followers’. ‘We can improve your this or that’. No, thank you, we are not looking for that form of feedback.