Barnsley Carers Service

Barnsley Carers Service

Our Service supports adults who provide unpaid help and support to a loved one due to illness or disability. We know that being a carer can impact your day-to-day life significantly. It can be both rewarding and isolating. Through this you may be unable to work. Your own health and wellbeing can suffer as a result.

Our service aims to promote the wellbeing of carers, so they can continue in their caring role and have a life of their own, by:

  • Providing advice and information (including benefits advice)
  • Signposting
  • Running groups, activities, sessions and days out
  • Offering practical and financial help with your caring role
  • Delivering training
  • Helping to raise awareness of carers rights and issues to the wider public.
  • 1:1 support for carers to talk about how they are feeling, or to access support and information to help them as a carer

The service also runs regular financial clinics to help support unpaid carers. 

For more information:

To request copies of leaflets or make a referral:

Telephone: 01226288772/07761039015