The weekend in a GP household

So, weekends are for relaxing, aren’t they? GPs do little during the week, some patients appear to believe, and they probably do nothing during the weekend either. They just sit around, twiddling their thumbs and raking in loads and loads of money.

Does that look like your view of general practice?

In that case, it might be an idea to introduce you to the real weekend in a GP household.

Our GPs have a lie-in on the weekend. After a week at work, they feel entitled to this luxury, getting up at 8 am rather than 5 or 6 am on a weekday.

After a quick breakfast, it is time to study.

NHS England and Health Education England task every GP with spending at least 50 hours per year on education to keep up-to-date with current developments in medicine. After all, we want them to be in the best position to provide safe care to their patients.

So, every Saturday and every Sunday morning, our GP reads his medical journals, completing online educational courses and writing up what he has learned from the education he has done that weekend. This is also important to help evidence the fact he has done so in his annual appraisal.

And, how about the twiddling of said thumbs? That doesn’t happen until after lunchtime, when he indulges in some well-earned relaxation. Yes, our GP enjoys his PlayStation too. This is where his life is not much different from others in the community.

We hope you enjoyed this little insight into the life of a GP.