Give your feedback on the carer’s break offer from Barnsley Council.

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Colleagues at Barnsley Council are asking for support to share their carer short break survey.

People who support family and friends in Barnsley (who could not otherwise manage without this support) have told us that getting a break from this role is very important.

Barnsley Council wants to know how they can improve their breaks offer to carers. They are looking for feedback from as many people as possible to help develop this offer.

Giving your feedback – they would like you to give your feedback through an online survey. The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. They welcome your feedback until 29 February 2024.

You can access the survey by typing this web address into your internet browser:

If you can’t complete the online survey and would like to feedback in a different way, please get in touch with Barnsley Council by using the following email address or telephone number: or call 01226 773555. (the carer’s survey is also available here to download and fill in: